This book has really helped me with great ideas on how to take care of myself and my family as well. I have learnt to brush my teeth and even use improvised toothbrush and salt so long as keep mouth clean.
The Way to Happiness
The training has personally helped me a lot especially in dealing with emotional issues and relationship matters as well. I have been equipped with great knowledge to face the real world in a totally different way.
Truth About Drugs
I was a member of a gang and use to take a lot of drugs. The church has helped me to gain back a normal life. But I always felt that something is still missing. The way to happiness book has enabled me to get a sense of a meaningful life.
The Way To Happiness – EMILY
“I have greatly learned a lot of things and now see things differently. The teachings have really empowered me, and I now realize my worth in the society.
Truth About Drugs – NICK
Nick is a 10-year old student said “breaking the cycle of addiction was never easy for me since my father drinks routinely. This made me use different types of drugs i.e. bhang, alcohol, khat among others so as to remain drunk all the time.
Truth About Drugs – STEVEN
Steven is a 22-year student said “my friends lied to me that taking one joint of bhang daily will help me improve in my performance. So, I used to take one joint every day, within a period of two months I realized that one joint was never enough.